Drop-Down Navigation: Touch-Friendly and Responsive demo by Osvaldas Valutis





Generalized Synthetic Control

In the paper "The Minimum Wage and Occupational Mobility", I use the GSC method developed by Powell (2016). The code that implements the GSC method in the paper can be found here.

QCEW Data Extraction

In the paper "The Minimum Wage and Occupational Mobility", I extract manufacture and retail employment from QCEW. One can download the raw files and use this code to extract employment of selected industries and states.

Generalized Synthetic Control

In the paper "The Minimum Wage and Occupational Mobility", I use the GSC method developed by Powell (2016) . The code that implements the GSC method in the paper can be found here.

QCEW Data Extraction

In the paper "The Minimum Wage and Occupational Mobility", I extract manufacture and retail employment from QCEW. One can download the raw files and use this code to extract employment of selected industries and states.